Nieuw logo ontwerpen voor Lima Verde door Castaar – Graphic design

The challenge.

Wanna plant a new garden? Then, Lima Verde is your #1 garden expert! Jelle and Rens, 2 young guys with a love for the profession, offer the full package, ranging from a preliminary study and design to the actual construction and maintenance of your garden. They came to us for the design of a new, playful logo that perfectly matches their own playful characters. So, what started with the design of a logo soon resulted in the elaboration of all kinds of materials such as business cards, stickers, notebooks…

What did we do?

Graphic design

Two young guys looking for a new logo? Yeap, that’s how Lima Verde ended up at Castaar. We started by designing a sleek, eye-catching logo in a fresh green colour, combined with matte black. Stylish but subtle. Subsequently, the brand identity was fully embedded in the elaboration of their business cards, banners, stickers, yard signs, e-mail signatures, sponsor documents, notebooks, end-of-year gift boxes, totems, flags, mouth masks and textile (which our little sister Stiksel took care of).

Logo / Branding / Corporate identity / Printing / Packaging / Signage / Lettering / Textiles


The sleek, stylish brand identity was also translated into the lettering of their vans, cars (3 more vans are on the agenda!) and excavators. Subtle but striking thanks to the mix of matte black and the white-green logo. Have you spotted their excavators yet? They look extra cool and different compared to other landscapers’ excavators! We actually won a prize for the cool design! We were also asked to decorate their new building by providing a totem and flags.

Printing / Signage / Signage / Advertising sign / Totem / Lettering / Car wrapping / Stickers / Banner / Flags / Textile printing


Lorem Ipsum is slechts een proeftekst uit het drukkerij- en zetterijwezen. Lorem Ipsum is de standaard proeftekst in deze bedrijfstak sinds de 16e eeuw, toen een onbekende drukker een zethaak met letters nam en ze door elkaar husselde om een font-catalogus te maken.

Lima Verde