
We are Castaar, a full service advertising and production agency. We are more than just ‘another advertising agency’, but that you already knew (did you check out our cases?). Thanks to our team of filloukes and our 360° offer, we can create something that inspires and impresses. That way we unburden our clients from A to Z. That’s what we call service!

Les castaars.

Meet the real Castaars. Creative filloukes allergic to all things traditional. More than enough talented people in one place who want to play the Champions League. We love working closely together, even with our customers. No shit, teamwork makes the dream work.

Team Castaar Ilona1


The Fixer.

Office Manager
Team Castaar Sacha1


La Petite.

Head of account
Team Castaar Lionel1



Account Manager
Team Castaar Elien1


Den Ancien.

Head of design
Team Castaar Els1


La Mama.

Creative designer
Team Castaar Yves1



Creative designer & Photographer
Team Castaar Elisa1


Elis Navidad.

Creative designer
Team Castaar Jens1



Head of production & signage
Team Castaar Jonas1



Team Castaar CharlotteDj1



Head of digital
Castaar margaux



Social Media Manager
Team Castaar Abi1 1



Digital Marketeer
Team Castaar Alec1



Webdeveloper / Videographer
Team Castaar Joni1



Head of everything
Team Castaar Christophe1



Edit Odette



Office dog

Le box.

Every working day, you’ll find us in a black box located in the heart of Pajottenland (Pajottenland, we love you) – and yes, sometimes on weekends as well because we never stop. A box with a cute little garden at the back (BBQ time?) and green views.

Den hangar.

As our ‘thing’ in Vollezele was getting too small, we needed some extra room… And that’s what we got in Den Hangar! Extra room for fleet marketing, trucks, boats, machines, extra storage, photo and film studio, detailing, car wrapping… Or for a rave or two (untz, untz, untz). Thanks to Den Hangar, we can provide an even better service to our customers!

our idea.

Companies often have to rely on different partners to put their brand or company in the picture, both offline and online. A serious hassle, if you ask us. They don’t know who to contact, how to handle it, what the objectives are, etc.

That’s where we come in! We wanted to create a place (an agency) where clients get help for just about anything, and we literally mean anything. A place where clients are completely unburdened, guided and supported in all matters of marketing communication. This in order to grow, inspire and impress.

La mission.

It’s our mission to unburden clients from A to Z with our 360° offer. We want to achieve worthwhile results with unusual, creative advertising that inspires and impresses, day in day out.

Our values.

With our 360° offer, we want to unburden our customers, from A to Z.
Together, we make the impossible possible in order to achieve worthwhile results.

Think outside the box they say… We just burn that fucking box. We don’t just say we are different, we are different. We always create something with a twist; something that inspires and impresses.

From a local butcher to a multinational, we want to help out everyone.
No bullshit. The sky is the limit, but we stay well grounded.

High ambition is in our DNA. We want to be the best at everything and we are the best at everthing (yeap, really everything). Our goal is to shake the advertising industry to its foundations and to dominate. In Belgium and far beyond. Harder, better, faster, stronger.

Quality is our top priority. Leaving the job half done? That’s not us.
We aim for the best result and do everything in our power to achieve it. We. Just. Get. It. Done.

Deadlines? Haha, are you kidding?
We work fast and efficient and make the impossible possible. Whatever it takes.

We work hard, but we play even harder.
Not a day goes by without laughter or roars (and we definitely don’t owe this to the jokes of our CEO). Doing a good job? Anyone can do that. But doing a great job? Only Castaar can do that.

More than enough talented people in one place who want to play the Champions League. Castaars help each other out to achieve the best results. We love working closely together, even with our customers. No shit, teamwork makes the dream work.

Complete transparency is at our core. That’s why we can call our clients good, reliable friends after a certain time.

From our cars and solar panels to the recycled printers and the clothes we wear, sustainability is a big priority. We embrace sustainability and implement it where necessary. Because green is the new black, you know.

It is our job to stay on top of the latest trends and to make those innovations known to our clients. The world is constantly evolving and we evolve along with it. On every level.

Just to fill in the blanks because yes, we also like to make things awkward héhé.

Our history.

It all started in 2016 in a small attic with just me, myself and I… Soon the attic became too small for 5 people so we moved to Kester. Meanwhile, we have grown into an agency of 21 people (and counting!) and our box in Vollezele is slowly becoming too small as well… Do you perhaps know a suitable building?

The Family.

Castaar has some brothers and sisters, of course. Each company has its own power and expertise in terms of communication. Discover the other members of our family.

Meanwhile, Castaar os no longer alone but counts several family members. Each company has its own power and expertise in terms of communication. Discover the other members of our family.


Lorem Ipsum is slechts een proeftekst uit het drukkerij- en zetterijwezen. Lorem Ipsum is de standaard proeftekst in deze bedrijfstak sinds de 16e eeuw,


Castaar is a full service advertising and production agency. With their 360° offer, they aim to unburden their clients from A to Z by always creating something crazy that inspires and impresses. This to achieve worthwhile results, for both big and smaller companies.


Your clothing is one of the best ways to get your brand or business out into the open. From selecting quality and durable textile to printing or embroidering your logo, text or design, STIKSEL will make sure that you’re seen.

logo binnenkant

From creating a true interior experience, dressing furniture and windows to wall coverings made with natural elements, heat-resistant films and privacy foils, Binnenkant transforms any space into a place you could only dream of – until now that is. Together, we’ll take your space(s) to the next level.


Televies offers visual support for your brand, company or event. Fixed or mobile, indoor or outdoor, they rent different types of LED screens tailored to your project. Ready to get noticed without any effort?

castaar foundation

Castaar Foundation produces and sells Castaar merchandising. Proceeds go to various charities because they believe that little things can make a big difference.

Wanna talk?

Got a challenge for us? Need a coffee? Some relationship advice? Wanna dance the Macarena?

Wanna talk?