2nd place

impact awards.


Trends impact awards.

2nd place – Category Welzijn (Castaar Foundation)

In 2022, CASTAAR FOUNDATION was nominated for the prestigious Trends Impact Awards in the category ‘wellbeing’, rewarding companies that help sustain our welfare economy.

With CASTAAR FOUNDATION, CASTAAR merchandising is produced in-house in limited numbers and then sold, ranging from jumpers to drinking bottles. In short, just about anything that can be printed. Proceeds go to charities or are used to start projects. By selling CASTAAR merchandising, CASTAAR FOUNDATION has been able to raise a lot of money to support projects such as Zonnestraal vzw in Lennik and Huize Terloo in Bellingen. Moreover, supporting is never done in the form of money, but rather in the form of products or services. In addition, people are always informed which good causes or projects are involved.

By the way, a new CASTAAR FOUNDATION initiative is on the agenda each year! Stay tuned…